Diet Detective’s Calorie Bargains: Spray on Fruit

by Charles Platkin, PhD

Detective’s Calorie Bargains: Spray on

Calorie Bargain:’s Stem

The Why: Now you can spray more natural flavor on any food. Here is the description from the manufacturer: “Spray it, don’t squeeze it! Stem is designed to allow a cook to spray directly from a fruit. No longer do you have to cut and squeeze your fruit to get the juice out like a common cook. With only one finger you can now spray citrus juice on your favorite foods evenly. Let Stem add a little zest in your kitchen and on your food!”

The Health Bonus: Adding flavor to foods with lemon, lime or orange juice is a great way to improve the taste of healthy foods.

What We Liked Best: Very simple to use.

The Price: $4.99.

Where to Buy:

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